I'm a math major student, and here are the courses that I have taken (and the implied skills).

My GitHub contains some of the projects I did, and also some of the notes that I toke @Litong.

Math Educations

Calculus I and II

Discrete Mathematics

Linear Algebra

Advanced Linear Algebra

Abstract Algebra

Ordinary Differential Equations

Partial Differential Equations

Mathematical Analysis I and II

Real Analysis

Numerical Analysis

Graph Theory

Differential Geometry

Statistic and Operation Research Educations

Probability Theory I and II

Stochstic Process

Statistical Principles

Optimizattion I and II

Monte Carlo Simulation

Monte Carlo Simulation for Financial Engineering

Optimization Modeling in Finance

Computer Science Educations


Python for finance

Computational Lab

Data Structure

Big Data Technologies

Learning with Big Messy Data

Machine Learning

Reinforcement Learning


Financial Management

Financial Accounting


Derivatives Securities

Investment and Portfolio Management